Dissimination Task:Dr. Pawel GazdzickiGerman Aerospace Center Institute of Engineering ThermodynamicsDepartment of Electrochemical Energy TechnologyPfaffenwaldring 38-4070569 StuttgartGermany+49 711 6862 0pawel.gazdzicki@dlr.de
Coordinator:Dr. Sylvie EscribanoProton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Components Laboratory CEA - DRT / LITEN / DEHT / SRGE / LQS17, rue des Martyrs - 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9 FranceTel: +33 (0)4 38 78 94 06 sylvie.escribano@cea.fr
Website:Erich GülzowGerman Aerospace Center Institute of Engineering ThermodynamicsDepartment of Electrochemical Energy TechnologyPfaffenwaldring 38-4070569 StuttgartGermany+49 711 6862 0erich.guelzow@dlr.de
European Project Second ActSimulation, Statistics and Experiments Coupled to develop Optimized and Durable µCHP systems using Accelerated Tests